Bill Bailey, pastor of Happy Gospel Church in Bradenton, Florida, and promoter of Southern gospel concerts for many years, has begun a fund to help Southern Gospel artists who are struggling financially due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Many venues are closed and concerts are postponed or cancelled because of the need for isolation and physical distancing. Many states in America have limited the number of people that can gather in one place. All these issues have affected artists greatly and Bill Bailey would like fans to give back. He has set up an online fund HERE.
Bill posts the following on Facebook:
The coronavirus pandemic is having a major effect on our Southern gospel family. Many concerts are currently being cancelled or rescheduled, leaving a devastating impact on artists and their families. These artists are full time and depend on their income for their livelihood. The objective of this campaign is to raise awareness and support for these artists and their families. 100% of the proceeds will go to those artists’ families affected.
Please watch the following video for more information:
Here’s our three-fold strategy:
1. Please PRAY! “…the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.†– James 5:16
2. Please SHARE! “For we are laborers together with God…†– I Cor 3:9
3. Please GIVE! “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart; so let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.†– I Cor 9:7
Thank you for watching the video and responding!
Pastor Bill Bailey
(941) 756-6942
Special thanks to Bill Bailey for creating a place for the many fans and listeners to give back to these artists who give so much!
Give HERE.