Weekend Word With Vonda Armstrong

Vonda Easley and her mom, Margaret Turner
Vonda Easley and her mom, Margaret Turner

Hi friends,

I’ve been in Alabama this week visiting my Mom. When I first arrived to see her, I noticed she was crying. One of her friends, Mr. Sanders had passed and she was very sad.

My mom is in the nursing home in Heflin, Alabama. Mr. Sanders “took a liking” to Momma and always was so kind to her.

He never missed an opportunity to smile or tell her she was pretty when he saw her.

I think we could all learn a lesson from Mr. Sanders. A lot of people are going through things. In fact, I think if we knew the struggles others face, everyone would be a little more kind to one another.

I love the message in this song. It simply says everybody’s going through something……

And I sure love the sweet lady singing it!

Happy Saturday!

Let’s Be Kind!



