Editor’s Last Word for July 2019 by Lorraine Walker
July is officially the month of the dog days of summer. It’s interesting how, when we move from air-conditioned buildings to cool cars back to even cooler houses, we don’t even really get the full benefit of the heat of summer time. I remember as a kid playing outside and the heat didn’t bother me at all. Now if I’ve been more than 10 minutes outside, I’m begging for either air conditioning or my favorite iced coffee. I don’t think I’m the only one either, judging from the lineup at the coffee shop. Have we become a society that can’t stand a little warmth? Or has it truly become hotter outside?

One thing that is for sure, an artist whose career is heating up once again, is the ageless Carman. He looks the same and sounds the same as he did when I first became a fan back in the 80s. And now he’s back with a gospel album and joined by a quartet. Still, as he begins his new tour, I hope he doesn’t leave off the iconic song, “The Champion.” Thanks so much to Jennifer Campbell for that feature.
Special thanks as well to John Herndon for bringing us the story on another iconic group, the Kingsmen. So glad to see that they are back with a new album to go along with their new lineup.
In fact, thanks to all of our writers this month, for going above and beyond to bring us these great features. SGNScoops magazine is blessed to have some of the best writers in the industry. They bring us features better not only inspiring but also entertaining. I hope you’ve had time to also read the devotional writers who contribute to the SGNScoops website. We are blessed.
My sister mentioned the other day about how often the subject of fear comes up in today’s Christian music. Whether it’s Southern or Country gospel, or Contemporary Christian music, usually you won’t have the station on long before you will hear the subject of being afraid, and how Jesus can break those chains of fear and anxiety. The thing is, you have to recognize that it is fear. Then you need to remember that Jesus is love, and perfect love casts out fear. Does that line sound familiar? Then you know it is part of scripture and knowledge of the word of God is essential to dealing with fear. Remind yourself and the ultimate source of fear, satan, that God is in control and he has the final word.

After you have gone to the word to claim the promises of God and to remind yourself of the many times he says, “Fear not!†then rest in that knowledge and talk to the author of peace. Tell him your fears and let him soothe you with his divine presence. Turn on some good gospel music and let yourself soak in the words of songs touched by the hand of God.
If you are afraid or anxious today, I urge you to talk to someone you know and trust who can help you find peace in the words of our Savior. Let his words be your rock, your fence, your protection and your safety. For Jesus is the Word. He will never fail you.
I am so glad we have music that can overcome evil and fear with the sword of the Spirit, the word of God. Thank you to all of the songwriters who bathe their minds and work in the Holy Spirit, and the singers who are blessed by God to communicate his love. You are all vessels for his glory.
If you need have any questions or comments or suggestions after reading this month’s issue, please write to me, lorraine@sgnscoops.comÂ
By Lorraine Walker
First published by SGNScoops magazine in July 2019
Read the July SGNScoops Magazine Online HERE