We are happy to present the May edition of the SGNScoops Magazine. Filled with great features, front to back, we know you are going to enjoy it!
The Freemans are the cover story as Jennifer Campbell talks heart-to-heart with Chris and her family about the Lord, the group and their chart-topping music.
Be sure to read all about the faith of Sam Butler, Jessica Horton, Kristina Cornell, Jeff Tolbert of the Primitive Quartet, Sarah Reith of Southern Raised and so much more.
We have all of our radio charts, CD Reviews and event updates, plus the Publisher’s Point. Be sure to read all the way through to the Editor’s Last Word. Don’t miss the Contributors section, to read all about our fine writers, designers and creative artists that give of their time and talents to Lord and to SGNScoops.
If you have any comments or concerns about the magazine, please let us know. We hope you have read about the love and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ within these pages. Please write to me if you have any questions about faith or if you would like to contribute your talents to SGNScoops. You can email me at lorraine@sgnscoops.com.
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