As a writer many times I pull from personal experiences to write about. One of the many things over this almost half-century I have found is that no matter what, we must continually praise God.
We praise him in the bad times as well as the good.
I have heard it said – and even said it myself: “I can’t wait to get to Heaven to praise Jesus for eternity!â€
Praising Jesus for eternity is a great and awesome opportunity.
While I cannot wait to get there, and it seems to be any day now, I had a thought, during a sermon, that inspired yet another song.
Once we get to Heaven we will have a glorified body with no pain. We will have a clear mind with the understanding of why we went through the things here on Earth. We will be reunited with our loved ones and have our tears wiped away from our eyes by God himself.
Thus, it will be an easy opportunity to sit around God’s throne and give him all the praise he richly deserves, and worship with the great cloud of witnesses. It will be easy to raise our hands in praise with great musicians that have gone on before and who paved the way for us in music.

So, would it not, therefore, be more pleasing to God, if we gave him praise now in the things going on in our mundane lives, whether good or bad?
Wouldn’t it mean more to him if we showed our gratitude to him by giving our worship when we don’t have our glorified body and mind?
So why wait to praise him?
By Roger Barkley, Jr.
The award-winning trio, 11th Hour, urges us to praise in their charting song, Silence the Stones. We hope you enjoy it!
Roger Barkley, Jr., is a writer for SGNScoops Magazine.
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