The senior Doctor at UAMS Arkansas told me that if January tests are the same since I started in 2014 then he would declare me cured. They tested 3 million cells. Since 2014 I’ve tested at .001 for questionable cancer cells. This time the test went from .001 up to .05. So it moved up in the wrong direction. I’m still technically cancer free but I’m going back to my original Doctor, .Dr. Bart Barlogie who moved to Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC. Dr. Barlogie founded the center in Arkansas and believes Multiple Myeloma is curable. He wants “zero†cancer cells. So folks, it’s still an ongoing fight. In the beginning they told me I had 3-5 years of life in 2013. My hopes were very high to be listed as medically cured on paper.
Monday my wife Dana and I fly to NYC to begin a grueling week of tests ending with my first visit to perform at Dollywod on the 22nd. No matter what the tests or the doctors say I will continue to win souls and encourage people’s faith in Jesus. We never know how much time we have left and I certainly don’t want to waste any of my days just singing songs when I can also populate the kingdom of heaven with more friends for eternity. I’m asking for your prayers for courage and that God infuses me, once again, with that steely determination so needed, to fight this dreaded pestilence of cancer. I know I’m at the 5 year limit of my allotted time but I’m fighting for more years to get more souls into the kingdom of God. I just want the Lord to say, when I stroll through the gates, “Well, well, well…. look who made it. Well done my good and faithful servant. Your Dad and brother Mario are waiting for you. They’re cracking jokes over in the Italian section, go say hiâ€