Day Four of Thirty Days of Prayer for the Nation Features Paul Pruitt

Day 4 of 30 Days of Prayer: Paul Pruitt
Day 4 of 30 Days of Prayer: Paul Pruitt


It is day four of the #30daysofprayer initiative and we are honored to have Paul Pruitt of Bethel Colony Of Mercy, Inc. in Lenoir NC leading us in prayer! Bethel Colony houses men who struggle with addiction and gives them the only remedy which is Jesus. Dave Kistler and Nathan Kistler have been ministering at Bethel for many years.

Please pray with us today for our nation and for God to heal our land. Please #watch, #pray, #share and join us here at Hope To The Hill again for the next 26 days of prayer.

Join us tomorrow, here on SGN Scoops or on the Hope To The Hill Facebook page as we continue each day for a total of 30 days, praying for the Nation, moving toward the election.

Did you miss Day One? Click here.

You can contact Hope To The Hill at 202-770-7300 or email Nathan at For more on Hope To The Hill, click on the website.
Nathan Kistler is a monthly columnist with SGNScoops magazine.