SGN Scoops has learned that Melissa Brady’s mother, Susan, passed away today. Melissa is the wife of Jim Brady and the female vocalist with the Jim Brady Trio.
Melissa said today on Instagram and on their website: “It feels strange to say the words….my mom died today. My heart is shattered in a million pieces and the tears continue to flow. But I’m so thankful I know she’s moving into her new mansion, she’s healthy again, and if there’s furniture to rearrange, she’ll keep moving it around ’til we get there too. I love you mom!!!!”
Jim lost his father and sister within the last year, so this has already been a time of grieving for the couple. Please pray as  Melissa and Jim travel to Ohio to make the funeral arrangements.
SGN Scoops extends their sympathy and prayers to all the family. May you feel peace and comfort today from the God Of All Comfort.