SGN Scoops was thrilled to be a part of the second annual Gerald Crabb Gospel Music Fest held in the North Georgia Trade and Convention Center this

past July. From Wednesday, July 8, through Sunday, July 12, fans were treated to great music, amazing vocalists, uplifting worship and wonderful fellowship.

The Gospel Fest started with a bang as many of the artists gathered at Heritage Park in Dalton, Georgia, on Wednesday night for a Crabb cookout, prepared and served by Alisa Asbury and her family. Some of the musicians got out their guitars and had a Gospel jam session. What a great time of singing!
The evening concerts of the Gospel Music Fest were a delight for audience and artist alike. Host of the weekend, Gerald Crabb, welcomed various family members to the stage. His daughter Terah Crabb Penhollow appeared, along with Adam, Jason, and Jason’s daughters Ashleigh and Emma

Wilburn and Wilburn, Brian Free and Assurance, The Freemans and The Hinson Family also thrilled the audience.
Weston Hinson of the Hinson Family said later, “There’s something to be said about an event that especially in today’s heavily secular society, still unashamedly promotes the Kingdom of God. That’s why it’s an honor for The

Hinson Family to be a part of Gerald Crabb’s Gospel Fest. Gerald has a heart for the lost and you can tell that by the artists he brings in to share their ministry in this powerful event. I hope to be a part of Gerald Crabb’s Gospel Fest for as long as these events continue and I do believe they will be going for a good long while!”
Every morning began with a worship service and a message by Gerald Crabb. Daily regional showcases featured

artists such as Three Strong, Rhonda Frye, the Cowboy Church Choir, Ava Kasich, The Singing Epp family and others. Saturday also included songwriting and artist seminars led by Gerald.
Evening concerts always included an altar call, and more than 17 souls were added to the kingdom of God! Attending the Friday concert were special guests Chaplain Wesley Noland and several men from Providence Ministries, a Rescue Mission in Dalton. Noland later said, “…All were extremely grateful that we were invited

to this wonderful event.
Many used words like awesome and inspiring to describe the artists and their ministry in song, several said it was life-changing what the Lord did in their hearts, which we have witnessed for ourselves. One gentleman in particular said things had become stagnant in his life but after the Friday night experience he had found new motivation and a new-found joy in his spirit.â€

The Gospel Fest concluded with a prayer breakfast on Sunday morning featuring special guests, The Freemans. Chris Freeman said, “It’s always noteworthy as an artist to not only perform with other fantastic talent [like] Brian Free and Assurance, and The Hinson Family, but also to be a part of an event conducted by Gerald Crabb, who remains as one of the premiere figures of humbleness and passion in the ministry. The Freemans are more than honoured to call him a friend.”

Rob Patz, publisher of SGN Scoops thoroughly enjoyed the Gospel Music Fest. Patz says, “It was an amazing time of fellowship and worship with Gerald Crabb and all his friends. I want to personally thank Alisa Asbury and Gerald for their hospitality during the event. We’re looking forward to being back with them next year!”
Vonda Easley, social media director of SGN Scoops, agreed. “Hats off to Alicia and Gerald for an awesome event. I was so impressed that they would be there to support every single artist who performed in the daytime showcases as well as in the evenings. Thanks you guys for allowing SGN Scoops to be at the Gospel Fest!”

The event concluded Sunday morning with a worship service with the Freemans and was thoroughly enjoyed by audience and artists alike. The Gerald Crabb Gospel Fest 2015 was an event that will be talked about and remembered for some time to come. New friends were made and lives were impacted. Everyone was sad it was over, but anticipating GCGF 2016! For more on the Gerald Crabb Gospel Fest,

visit www.geraldcrabbgospelfest.com

By Gerald Crabb, Alisa Asbury and Lorraine Walker
Pictures courtesy of Gerald Crabb, Alisa Asbury, Vonda Easley
First published by SGN Scoops digital magazine in August 2015
For more great features, see the current SGN Scoops digital magazine