We are thrilled to present the March edition of SGNScoops magazine! Our cover showcases one of the best of today’s Bluegrass artists, Balsam Range. The feature by Marcie Gray tells us all about these talented men and their music, as well as the story behind their latest hit single, “Stacking Up The Rocks.”
SGN Scoops also pays tribute to the late great Mosie Lister, and features Brandon Stone of the Gospel Harmony Boys, the ladies of Sweetwater Revival, Redheads in Southern Gospel, Reagan Griffin, Page Trio, the Wills Family Reunion and DJ Richie Rose, as well as so much more!
We invite you to soak in the wisdom of all of our monthly columnists and hear their adventures! Lou Wills Hildreth, David Staton, Kelly Nelon Clark, Jeff Steele, Sherry Anne, Dusty Wells and Laurette Willis will encourage and enlighten you.
Thanks to all of our SGNScoops artists and writers. We appreciate you so much! Thanks as well to all of you who read our magazine faithfully every month. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to write to me at lorraine@sgnscoops.com.
Please read, download and share with your friends today!
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