Wacky Wednesday with Gospel Artists is back with another question. Special thanks to our friend Jantina de Haan for collecting all of these great answers, and to all of you for your overwhelming response to the return of Wacky Wednesday!

As you know, Wacky Wednesday features questions that you might not find in regular artist interviews and answers that you might not see printed anywhere else…And do you know the word for the fear of taste? Keep reading!
Today we hear responses from Josh Jordan of the Jordan Family Band, Gerald Wolfe of Greater Vision,
Wendy Hayes of the Mylon Hayes family, Corey Pearson of the Diplomats, Bob Sellers, Pat Barker of the Guardians, Clayton Inman of Triumphant, Josh Townsend of Legacy Five, and

Jaquita Lindsey of 11th Hour.
This week’s questions are: what is your favorite fruit and what was the first job you held? See if you can tell which answer is which!
We will let the men go first again:
Josh Jordan:Â Oranges and pouring concrete
Gerald Wolfe:Â Demonstrating Baldwin organs and pianos. I was in high school and strawberries

Corey Pearson:Â Cutting grass and watermelon and strawberries
Bob Sellers: Tough one. I love all fruit! I’d have to say watermelon and Housel hardware store in Gordo Alabama. I was 15.
Josh Townsend:Â Oranges and the pianist for the Old Paths
Pat Barker: Choir director and Of The Looms…
Clayton Inman:Â Banana and day camp counselor
Let’s hear from the ladies…
Jaquita Lindsey:Â Bananas and Tasty Freeze
Wendy Hayes:Â Roses department store and strawberries, watermelon, oranges

Were these answers what you expected? We hope you enjoyed this Q&A and perhaps it shed a little more light on your favorite artists. And did you know that fear of taste is “geumaphobia“? The Bible says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” He’s better even than bananas! “Taste” here means “experience” or “enjoy” or to take into your heart and let Him give you the nutrients your soul needs. He is good!!

Stay tuned next time for another Wacky Wednesday, when we will ask the question everyone wants to know: would you rather have a grizzly bear or a whale as a pet? (Is this the actual question that has been asked? Stay tuned…)
Do you have a question for our artist panel? Send it to SGNScoops today! lorraine@sgnscoops.com
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