It’s May and we are happy to present the online issue of SGN

Scoops Magazine. We hope this month provides entertainment, encouragement, and maybe even some introspection.
11th Hour has become one of Southern Gospel’s favorite trios, and Dixie Phillips provides an exceptional article on these vocalists. Find out everything you wanted to know about Amber, Logan, and Jaquita.
Gospel Music lost a pioneer in April and John Herndon pays a special tribute to the late Gary McSpadden. Also featured are Zane and Donna King, HighRoad, Randy Miller, and the Old Time Preachers Quartet.
All of this plus monthly radio charts, music reviews, updates, and a special article discussing the artists’ response to COVID19 by Charlie Griffin.
We trust you are doing well and keeping safe as areas move out of isolation and slowly back to our new normal. Take care and remember that God is everywhere and provides healing and comfort. Have a little talk with Him today!
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