Friends of SGNScoops will remember that prayers were requested for Frogene Normand, mother of Rusty, Craig, and Chris Golden when she was diagnosed with cancer.Â
Chris Golden posted the following on September 12, 2019:
One month ago today after weeks of nausea and pain, Mom went to the Emergency room where they found a mass in her pancreas which was blocking her biliary duct. She went by ambulance from Brewton, AL to Pensacola, FL to have more tests and a stent put in. It was about a week later after a ERCP and biopsy, the specialist determined the obstruction was adenocarcinoma… Pancreatic Cancer.

She seemed to do a little better over the next few days and was trying to gain strength to meet with the team at Vanderbilt on Sept. 5. The stent failed and she took a turn for the worse. Severly dehydrayed, she came to Nashville and spent 4 days and 3 nights at Vanderbilt Hospital where they had to put another stent in before meeting with the oncologist and surgeon for a consultation. After a couple of months of pain and suffering and a 4 day hospital stay, she was very weak..so they wanted her to go home (to my house) to rest and gain strength for the next step.
That step will be today. More scans and more labs to find out how aggressive it is and what the next step will be.
I am happy to report that after 7 days, she is up walking, her color is much better, appetite is slowly coming back, and she is hydrated and prayed up. We know many of you are praying earnest prayers. She can feel them. Keep them coming.
It’s all about the next step… and we give Him praise for each small victory.
We will try to update as we have news to share.

Chris had further news on September 13, 2019:
Yesterday Rusty and I took Mom to Vanderbilt for another round of scans and labs and to meet with the Chief surgeon of the pancreatic team. After reviewing the scans he advised against doing surgery because of where the tumor is located, a little more than 180 degrees around the portal vein and also the vena cava. He was afraid he would not be able to get it all, and said if it were his mother, he would not do the surgery. We appreciate his honesty and care. So, we move on to the next step…meeting with the oncologist Monday afternoon to discuss other options.

I checked my phone and Mom had walked over a half mile yesterday which might as well been a marathon considering her condition for the last few weeks. On the way home we talked about the old Nashville restaurant Ireland’s So we had steak and bisquits for supper. Although she has lost a lot of weight, she is stronger than she has been, and is prayed up. Our father came by last night after an Opry show, and they had a great visit till after midnight. This morning we enjoyed the fresh pear preserves Aunt Lanette sent.
We appreciate all the kind cards and messages, and especially the prayers. Keep them coming.
Keep informed on Chris Golden HERE
And Rusty Golden HERE