Happy New Year and welcome to the January issue of SGNScoops! Time flies by so quickly, but we are thrilled to present our first magazine for 2019.
The January issue of SGNScoops usually highlights an artist that we feel is making massive strides in gospel music, as well as impacting the world in which they live. We are proud to feature the Wisecarvers as our cover story for this month. We know you will enjoy meeting this lovely family in the article written by Dixie Phillips.
Family groups have definitely been making their impact on Christian music, and you will meet many more families this month. Endless Highway, Westward Road, and Ben Rochester of the Rochesters are just a few of our special features in January.
We also talked to Cherie Brennan and Bob Sellers, as well as taking a look at why people catch the infectious SG bug. All this, and so much more!
We premier our Bluegrass gospel section with the debut of Les Butler and Friends, and our Bluegrass top 20.
Thank you for your ongoing support of SGNScoops. We appreciate that so many of you take time to read and download each issue. Did you know that you can subscribe to receive our newspaper issue every month? Contact us for more information. I would love to hear from all of you who have something to say about what we publish. Contact me Lorraine@sgnscoops.com.
Most of all we hope you read and see faith, love, and the grace of God on each page. Grab ahold of Jesus this year and let him be your strength in 2019.
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