(August 26, 2015) Scott Fowler of Legacy Five made this post on Facebook today:
Day three of major Legacy Five announcements.
It is with sadness that we have to let you know that our tenor, Gus Gaches will be departing Legacy Five after more than five and a half years with us.
Gus states that, “singing tenor in a southern gospel group is a very demanding job vocally. The reality is that it has become increasingly more rigorous for me over the past several months because of severe allergies and vocal fatigue. I have sought much assistance from doctors and voice teachers alike and cannot seem to find a lasting solution to these nagging vocal issues. When I started this Legacy Five season of my life, I thanked Scott Fowler for hiring me. I move into the next chapter of my life thanking Scott Fowler for allowing me to be a part of this great group for over five years. I also want to thank the Legacy Five Family, those who follow, love and support Legacy Five, for their love support and gifts to me and my family.”

Scott Fowler says, “Everyone on this bus respects and appreciates Gus and his heart. He has been a great asset to the ministry of Legacy Five and he has been such an easy and delightful person to travel with. The only times that I ever saw Gus upset was anytime the Nashville Predators failed to advance in the play-offs….seriously…the guy never gets mad. Gus has a beautiful voice and we pray that with continued treatment and some time off, he will continue to sing in a less taxing capacity than this position demands. The voice is the one instrument that you cannot simply go to the store and purchase. As such, we all have to take great care of the one voice God has given us. Gus and his family are precious people and we wish them all the best as they enter the next season of their lives.”
Gus will continue to travel with Legacy Five for a yet to be determined amount of time while Legacy Five begins the search for the tenor that will replace him. Please keep the Gaches family in your prayers as they seek God in this new season of their lives, and please pray for Legacy Five, as they seek God’s provision for the right person to minister with them.
If you are interested in auditioning for Legacy Five, you may contact Scott Fowler at scottfowler@legacyfive.com
In Day One of big announcements, Scott Fowler said they have acquired two new team members. The first one to be introduced was David Keel, Legacy Five’s new driver.
Yesterday, Fowler reported that they have hired a new sound person, Blake McAllister.
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