Happy February and welcome to this issue of SGNScoops Magazine! We hope you have time to sit down with a warm mug and read everything we have prepared for you. Legacy Five are our cover artists, featured by Justin Gilmore. After more than 15 years, they still have a fresh sound and a fresh story to tell.
Don’t miss the tribute to Joe Moscheo, the stories on Mark Lanier, Shellem Cline, Kelly Coberly, Trevor Conkle, Lineage of David, and the ICGMA. We have updates on Christian music festivals Creekside Gospel Music Convention, Southern Gospel Weekend and Christian Country Expo. Justin McLeod plays word association with members of Promisedland Quartet.
New articles from David Staton, Jennifer Campbell, Laurette Willis, Vonda Easley, Dusty Wells, Kelly Nelon Clark, Roger Barkley Jr., and Selena Day will encourage you.
Most of all we hope this magazine will warm you up this winter with the warmth of the love of God. Read, enjoy and share this magazine with all your friends. And don’t forget to vote in the Diamond Awards!
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